
21st Annual Destination HBCU College Fair (HBCUs Only)

by Cleveland Council of Black Colleges Alumni
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Saturday, November 18, 2023

09:00AM - Saturday, November 18, 2023 02:00PM


4270 Northfield Road • Warrensville Heights High School • Warrensville heights • OH


We are thrilled to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to all participants to the 21st Annual Destination HBCU College Fair Weekend, scheduled to take place from November 16-19, 2023. It is with great pride and enthusiasm that we invite you to join us for this remarkable event, celebrating the profound impact of Historically Black Colleges and Universities on education, culture, and “A Legacy of Excellence.”

 This fair is not just an occasion; it is a testament to the enduring legacy that HBCUs have woven into the fabric of higher education. As we gather together, we honor the trailblazers and visionaries who established these institutions to provide unparalleled opportunities for Black students. "A Legacy of Excellence" encapsulates the remarkable achievements of alumni who have excelled in fields ranging from the arts to the sciences, from social justice advocacy to entrepreneurship. The overarching theme of not only reflects our formidable heritage but also impels us to strive for even greater achievements in the times to come.

 Throughout the years, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have consistently strived to provide students with an extensive array of resources, ensuring that they have all the necessary tools to make well-informed decisions about their collegiate experience. This event has been instrumental in helping countless students embark on their journey towards discovering HBCUs, obtaining college acceptances, and exploring scholarship opportunities, not only for those residing in Northeast Ohio, but also extending its reach beyond.


When & Where


Saturday, November 18, 2023

09:00AM - 02:00PM


4270 Northfield Road • Warrensville Heights High School • Warrensville heights

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