Weightloss Workout
Sunday, February 11, 2024
11:00AM - Monday, March 11, 2024 12:00PM
3400 West Arbor Vitae Street • Darby Park • Inglewood • CA
Come out Sunday morning and get a workout in before you watch the Superbowl and spend time with family and friends.
A fullbody workout that will kick start your fitness journey for the year. This workout will get your heart rate up, strengthen and tone your problem areas. At Cbanks Fitness, we have a created a safe evenvionment where you can feel welcomed. A space where you will get your body moving and join an intimate workout group.
Meeting at 11am, Start time 11:10a, finish by 12p and discuss food intake before we head out and chat during the week to see how you are doing with your workouts, food intack, sleep, water intake and stress levels. This program consists pf Sunday trainings and encourage you to workout on your own throughout the week. Would to have you paticipate in the challenge.
-Carla B.
When & Where
Sunday, February 11, 2024
11:00AM - 12:00PM
3400 West Arbor Vitae Street • Darby Park • Inglewood
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