Honey V.I.Bee Brunch Tasting 11-3
Sunday, June 25, 2023
11:00AM - Sunday, June 25, 2023 03:00PM
50 East Rivercenter Boulevard • 50 E Rivercenter Blvd • Covington • KY
Honey Uninhibited brings true southern staples everywhere by creating an uninhibited locale with our music, art, decor and hospitality that in itself refreshes and rewards our guest.
We are committed to quality food that supports a healthy body and sound mind while executing the brunch flavors that you’ve grown to love. We are Honey Uninhibited and we are excited to invite you to BEE our VIP guest at our new location in Covington, KY!
When & Where
Sunday, June 25, 2023
11:00AM - 03:00PM
50 East Rivercenter Boulevard • 50 E Rivercenter Blvd • Covington
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